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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Last week was so beautiful and we were on vacation from work, so we got busy and planting many, many shrubs and perennials.  If you remember last year we planting a lot of annuals, so we could get some fast satisfaction. This year we took our time and wanted to invest or money into more flowers and shrubs that would come back year after year. We planted 17 in total. Here are a few photos.

Planted in the backyard- Yarrow moonshine

 Planted in the backyard- Achillea Yarrow

 Again- Yarrow Moonshine

Planted in the front and backyard- Peony

 Nice action shot- planted in the front yard- Gaillardia grandiflora

 Planted in backyard- Salvia

Planted in front yard- Scabiosa

 Planted in front yard- Azalea 

Other shrubs we planted- 
Hostas - Front and backyard
Crimson Pygmy Barberry
Holly bush


  1. we just bought Achillea Yarrow today.. well my Husband did lol..such a beautiful selection of flowers and I do agree with you no more annuals !! Your house is look awesome :)

  2. We planted them two weeks ago and they are all growing bigger and bigger! Take some pictures of yours! :-)
